Our highly trained, board certified doctors are now accepting new patients.
Same day appointments are available.
Monday-Friday | 9am-5pm
Saturday | 8am-12pm by appointment
Dr. Andy Truong is a double board certified physician that specializes in both Anesthesiology and Interventional and Chronic Pain Management. Dr. Truong is a Georgia native, who was raised in Duluth, GA. After receiving his medical degree at Medical University of the Americas, he completed medical residency training in Anesthesiology at Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA and an additional subspecialty fellowship in Chronic and Interventional Pain Management at the University at Buffalo with a focus in cancer pain.
Dr. Truong is a consummate physician with a multi-modal and multi-disciplinary approach to pain medicine that focuses on a team based treatment that includes physical therapy, behavioral health, pharmacotherapy, a comprehensive weight loss program and minimally invasive procedures. His expertise includes epidural injections, sympathetic nerve injections, joint injections, peripheral nerve blocks, radio-frequency denervation, spinal cord stimulator trials and implants, intrathecal pump trials and implants, and kyphoplasty for vertebral compression fractures.
During his spare time, he enjoys exercising and spending time with his wife and children. He also continues to practice Anesthesiology on occasional nights and weekends to help serve the community trauma center.
Dr. Cory Mansour is a Georgia native double board-certified physician that specializes in Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine with a subspecialty in Interventional and Chronic Pain Management. Dr. Mansour received his Bachelor of Science degree at The University of Georgia in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
He obtained his medical degree and completed his medical residency training in Anesthesiology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA, where he also served as Chief Resident. Dr. Mansour completed an additional subspecialty fellowship in Interventional and Chronic Pain Management at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
During his fellowship he practiced a multi-modal approach to pain management using various techniques such as pharmacotherapy, epidural injections, joint injections, nerve blocks, proficiency in the use of ultrasound, peripheral nerve blocks, spinal cord stimulation, genicular nerve blocks, radio-frequency denervation, vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty for vertebral fractures, and peripheral nerve stimulator implants.
Dr. Mansour also uses his anesthesia training to serve the pediatric dental community. In his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis, golf, and spending time with his wife, family, and golden retrievers.